• 张艺璇,李斌✉,许智星.从句子图到篇章图——基于抽象语义表示的篇章级共指标注体系研究[J].外语学刊,2025,(01):19-28.DOI:10.16263/j.cnki.23-1071/h.2025.01.003. (Discourse-Level Anaphora Annotation System Based on Abstract Semantic Representation)
• 常博林,袁义国,李斌,等.融合部首信息的古汉语自动分词与词性标注一体化分析[J].数据分析与知识发现,2024,8(11):102-113.
☆ 李斌, 常博林, 戴俊阳, 谢欣妤, 冯敏萱, 王东波. 数字人文实战: 网络数据库编程技术. 南京大学出版社,2024年9月.
• 余雪,冯敏萱,李斌.面向信息处理的《古籍汉字分级字表(7000字)》的研制[J].辞书研究,2024,(06):66-80+134.DOI:10.16134/j.cnki.cn31-1997/g2.2024.06.006.
• 李斌. 语言智能要重视高质量基础数据研发. // 宋柔,李斌,王宝鑫,等.“语言智能”多人谈[J].语言战略研究,2023,8(04):53-56.
• 李斌. 加强高质量结构化人文知识库的建设-中国社会科学报. 2024.10.14. 10月14日 星期一 第A04版
• 李斌,张雨桐. 古籍数字化的四种形态. 古籍整理出版情况简报,2024年第2期(总636期).
• 李斌,张艺璇,冯敏萱.从全文检索到语言计量和语言智能——语料库研究应用的三个层次及资源[J].外语研究,2024,41(01):20-27+45.DOI:10.13978/j.cnki.wyyj.2024.01.014.
• Bin Li, Bolin Chang, Zhixing Xu, Minxuan Feng, Chao Xu, Weiguang Qu, Si Shen, Dongbo Wang
✉. Overview of EvaHan2024: The First International Evaluation on Ancient
Chinese Sentence Segmentation and Punctuation. LT4HALA 2024@LREC-COLING-2024, 25 May, 2024. pages 229–236.
• Bin Li, Yiguo Yuan, Xuehui Lu, Peter K Bol, Normalization of kinship
relations to enrich family network analysis: case study on China
biographical database, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Volume
39, Issue 1, April 2024, Pages 215–227.
• 胡康,曲维光,魏庭新,等.基于特征融合的汉语被动句自动识别研究[J].中文信息学报,2024,38(08):15-24.
• Zhixing Xu, Yixuan Zhang, Bin Li, Junsheng Zhou and Weiguang Qu.
Overview of CCL24-Eval Task 4: The Fourth Chinese Abstract Meaning
Representation Parsing Evaluation. 2024 China National Conference on
Computational Linguistics.
☆ 郑童哲恒,李斌✉.上古汉语分词与词性标注加工规范——基于《史记》深加工语料库的标注实践[J].语言文字应用,2023,(04):93-104.DOI:10.16499/j.cnki.1003-5397.2023.04.005.
• 李斌. 语言智能要重视高质量基础数据研发. //宋柔,李斌,苏祺等.(2023).“语言智能”多人谈.语言战略研究(04),53-56.
• 李斌, 张雨桐. 加强古籍基础数据与知识库建设是关键. 古籍整理出版情况简报.2023年第4、5期,总626、627期.
• 李斌,许智星,肖力铭,周俊生,曲维光 薛念文.(2023).第二届中文抽象语义表示解析评测.中文信息学报(06),33-43.
• Dongbo Wang , Litao Lin, Zhixiao Zhao, Wenhao
Ye, Kai Meng, Wenlong Sun, Lianzhen Zhao , Xue Zhao
, Si Shen, Wei Zhang, Bin Li✉. EvaHan2023: Overview of the
First International Ancient Chinese Translation Bakeoff. Bin Li, Shai
Gordin (eds). Proceedings of ALT2023: Ancient Language Translation
Workshop, Marcau, China, 2023. Sept.
• 卢雪晖,徐会丹,李斌,陈思瑜.先秦词网构建及梵汉对比研究[J].中文信息学报,2023,37(03):36-45.
☆ 李斌,袁义国,芦靖雅,冯敏萱,许超,曲维光,王东波.第一届古代汉语分词和词性标注国际评测[J].中文信息学报,2023,37(03):46-53+64.
• 李斌,张松松. 语言智能时代呼唤语言学理论创新[N]. 中国社会科学报,2023-03-21(003).DOI:10.28131/n.cnki.ncshk.2023.001237.
• 李斌,王东波.计算文献学的概念、范畴及前景[J].图书与情报,2023(01):31-38.
• 李斌. 运用科技手段提升汉语承载力[N]. 社会科学报,2023-01-12(004).DOI:10.28705/n.cnki.nshkx.2023.000027.
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面向古文阅读的古籍汉字分级研究 [J].(Research on Chinese Character Grading of Ancient Books for
Reading Ancient Texts). Journal of Applied Studies on Sinograph and Literary Sinitic( 韩国《汉字汉文应用研究》). Vol.2 [2023. 12] 1-24 .
ISSN 2982-4737(Print) / 2982-4745(Online)
☆ Bin
Li, Yiguo Yuan, Jingya Lu, Minxuan Feng, Chao Xu, Weiguang Qu, and
Dongbo Wang. 2022. The First International Ancient Chinese Word
Segmentation and POS Tagging Bakeoff: Overview of the EvaHan 2022
Evaluation Campaign. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language
Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages, pages 135–140,
Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association.
• 李斌,何盈学,高策.多源数据参照的古典诗歌立体远读法初探——以乾隆四万余首御制诗为例[J].南京师范大学文学院学报,2022(04):55-67.(CDH2022优秀论文三等奖)《文学研究文摘》2023.2转载.
• 李斌. 数字人文让古籍“活起来”[N]. 社会科学报,2022-05-26.
• Liming
Xiao, Bin Li✉, Zhixing Xu, Kairui Huo, Minxuan Feng, Junsheng Zhou, and
Weiguang Qu. 2022. Align-smatch: A Novel Evaluation Method for Chinese
Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing based on Alignment of Concept
and Relation. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and
Evaluation Conference, pages 5938–5945, Marseille, France. European
Language Resources Association.
• 袁义国, 李斌✉,
冯敏萱, 贺胜, 王东波.基于深度学习的古籍文本自动断句与标点一体化研究.图书情报工作,2022 Vol.66 (22): 134-141
• 闫培艺,李斌✉,黄彤,霍凯蕊,陈瑾,曲维光.基于抽象语义表示的汉语疑问句的标注与分析[J].中文信息学报,2022,36(07):33-41.
• 郑童哲恒,李斌✉,
• 林
• 孙超,曲维光,魏庭新,顾彦慧,李斌,周俊生.基于神经网络的连动句识别[J].中文信息学报,2022,36(02):12-21.
• 肖力铭,李斌✉,许智星,霍凯蕊,冯敏萱,周俊生,曲维光.基于概念关系对齐的中文抽象语义表示解析评测方法[J].中文信息学报,2022,36(01):21-30+38.
• 黄彤,陈瑾,谢媛媛,李斌✉,曲维光.多轮对话的篇章级抽象语义表示标注体系研究[J].语料库语言学,2022,9(01):134-149.
☆ Li,
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Representation 2.0 LDC2021T13. (ISBN:1-58563-970-2)
Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, July, 15, 2021.
• 常博林, 万晨, 李斌✉, 陈欣雨, 冯敏萱, 王东波. 基于词和实体标注的古籍数字人文知识库的构建与应用——以《资治通鉴·周秦汉纪》为例[J]. 图书情报工作, 2021, 65(22): 134-142.
•胡昊天,张逸勤,邓三鸿,王东波,冯敏萱,刘浏,李斌.面向数字人文的《四库全书》子部自动分类研究——以Siku BERT和Siku Ro BERTa预训练模型为例[J/OL].图书馆论坛:1-16[2021-12-04].
• 刘畅,王东波,胡昊天,张逸勤,李斌.面向数字人文的融合外部特征的典籍自动分词研究——以sikuBERT预训练模型为例[J/OL].图书馆论坛:1-13[2021-12-04].
• 张琪;江川;纪有书;冯敏萱;李斌. 面向多领域先秦典籍的分词词性一体化自动标注模型构建. 数据分析与知识发现. 2021-03-25 .
• 王倩; 王东波; 李斌; 许超. 面向海量典籍文本的深度学习自动断句与标点平台构建研究. 数据分析与知识发现. 2021-03-25.
• 杜悦;王东波;江川;徐润华;李斌. 数字人文下的典籍深度学习实体自动识别模型构建及应用研究, 图书情报工作. 2021-03-08.
• 侯文惠;曲维光;魏庭新;李斌;顾彦慧. 面向中文AMR标注体系的兼语语料库构建及兼语结构识别 .清华大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021-01-08
• Changwei
Xu, Minxuan Feng, Bin Li, and Yiguo Yuan. 2021.
基于大规模语料库的《古籍汉字分级字表》研究(The Formulation of The graded Chinese character
list of ancient books Based on Large-scale Corpus). In Proceedings of
the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics,
pages 781–791, Huhhot, China. Chinese Information Processing Society of
• Kairui
Huo, Bin Li, Yuanyuan Xie, Minxuan Feng and Weiguang Qu. An Overview of
Metaphor Computation. International Journal of Asian Language
ProcessingVol. 31, No. 02, 2230001 (2021).
• Chang,
Bolin; Wan, Chen; Li, Bin✉; Chen, Xinyu; Feng, Minxuan. Zizhitongjian
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Platform Construction and Conceptual Network Analysis. The 2021
Association for Computers and the Humanities Conference. July 21-23,
• Huidan
Xu, Siyu Chen, Jingjing Cai, Lin Cao, Chen Wan, Bin Li✉. The
Construction and Statistical Analysis of Pre-Qin Ancient Chinese
WordNet. International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing,
vol.12,no.1, pp.48-61, 2021.[PDF]
☆ Bin Li, Siqi Yin, Jie Xu, Li Song, Minxuan Feng. Chinese CogBank. LDC2020T01. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2020(2).
☆ Bin Li , Yaxin Li , Qian Yang, Yaqi Wang and Rui Chen. From History
Book to Digital Humanities Database: The Basic Annals of the Shiji. Journal of Chinese History, 2020, 4(2), 528-536. doi:10.1017/jch.2020.24
☆ 李斌,王璐,陈小荷,王东波. 数字人文视域下的古文献文本标注与可视化研究——以《左传》知识库为例[J].大学图书馆学报,2020,05:72-80+90. Digital Humanity Based Ancient Text Annotation and Visualization——A Case Study on Zuozhuan Knowledgebase.
☆程宁,李斌,葛四嘉,郝星月,冯敏萱. 基于BiLSTM-CRF的古汉语自动断句与词法分析一体化研究,中文信息学报,2020(4)
• 闫培艺,李斌,黄彤,霍凯蕊,陈瑾,曲维光. 基于抽象语义表示的汉语疑问句的标注与分析,CCL2020已录用.
• 戴玉玲, 李斌, 戴茹冰, 冯敏萱, 曲维光. 基于关系对齐的汉语虚词抽象语义表示与分析,中文信息学报,2020(4)
• 黄彤, 李斌, 闫培艺, 戴玉玲, 曲维光. 基于抽象语义表示的汉语构式的标注与分析,
• 曹紫琰, 毛雪芬, 程宁, 宋阳, 李斌, 冯敏萱. 细颗粒度汽车评论语料库的构建和分析,
• 霍凯蕊,李斌,冯敏萱,曲维光. 基于认知属性的词语褒贬度计算, The 20th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW2020),2020(5)
• 刘浏;黄水清;孟凯;李斌;王东波.《春秋》三传女性人物的人文计算研究 . 图书情报工作. 2020-12-16.
☆ Stephan
Oepen, Omri Abend, Lasha Abzianidze, Johan Bos, Jan Hajič, Daniel
Hershcovich, Bin Li, Tim O’Gorman, Nianwen Xue, and Daniel Zeman.
MRP 2020: The Second Shared Task on Cross-Framework and Cross-Lingual
Meaning Representation Parsing, Proceedings of the CoNLL 2020 Shared
Task: Cross-Framework Meaning Representation Parsing, pages 1–22
Online, Nov. 19-20, 2020.
• Li
Song, Yuan Wen, Sijia Ge, Bin Li and Weiguang Qu. An Easier and
Efficient Framework to Annotate Semantic Roles: Evidence from the
Chinese AMR Corpus. J.-F. Hong et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 20th
Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop(CLSW 2019), LNAI 11831, pp.
474–485, Jan 4, 2020.
• Xingyue
Hao, Sijia Ge, Yang Zhang, Yuling Dai, Peiyi Yan, and Bin Li. The
Construction and Analysis of Annotated Imagery Corpus of Three Hundred
Tang Poems. J.-F. Hong et al. (Eds.):Proceedings of the 20th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop(CLSW 2019), LNAI 11831, pp. 517–524, Jan 4, 2020.
• Li
Song, Yuling Dai, Yihuan Liu, Bin Li, Weiguang Qu. Construct a
Sense-Frame Aligned Predicate Lexicon for Chinese AMR Corpus.
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
(LREC 2020), pages 2955–2962, Marseille, 11–16 May 2020.(PDF)
Ning, LI Bin, XIAO Liming, XU Changwei, GE Sijia, HAO Xingyue,
FENG Minxuan. Integration of Automatic Sentence Segmentation and
Lexical Analysis of Ancient Chinese based on BiLSTM-CRF Mode. 1st
Workshop on Language Technologies forHistorical and Ancient Languages,
(LT4HALA 2020), pp 52-58. Marseille, 11–16 May 2020.
• Ziyan
Cao, Minxuan Feng, Xuefeng Mao, Yang Song, Bin Li. A Comparison
Research of Sentiment Words Based on Chinese Online Product Reviews of
Different Domains. International Journal of Knowledge and Language
Processing. 2020.11
• Yihuan Liu, Bin Li, Peiyi Yan, Li Song, Weiguang Qu. Ellipsis in Chinese AMR Corpus.
International Journal of Knowledge and Language
Processing. 2020.11 [
• 戴茹冰,侍冰清,李斌,曲维光.基于AMR语料库的汉语省略与论元共享现象考察[J].外语研究,2020,37(02):16-23.
• 戴茹冰,侍冰清,李斌,曲维光.语义省略“的”字结构自动识别研究[J].语言科学,2020,19(01):92-104.
☆ Bin Li, Yuan Wen, Li Song, Weiguang Qu, Nianwen Xue. Building a Chinese AMR Bank with Concept and Relation Alignments. Linguistic issues in Language Technology, Vol.18, 2019.(PDF)
• 吴泰中,顾敏,周俊生,曲维光,李斌,顾彦慧.基于转移神经网络的中文AMR解析. 中文信息学报,2019(4).
• 袁悦; 王东波; 黄水清; 李斌. 不同词性标记集在典籍实体抽取上的差异性探究, 数据分析与知识发现, 2019-03-25.
• Yihuan Liu, Bin Li, Peiyi Yan, Li Song, Weiguang Qu. Ellipsis in Chinese AMR Corpus.
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations, pages 92–99.
Florence, Italy, August 1st, 2019.(PDF)
• 戴玉玲, 李斌, 戴茹冰, 冯敏萱, 曲维光. 基于关系对齐的汉语虚词抽象语义表示与分析(CCL2019)
☆程宁,李斌,葛四嘉,郝星月,冯敏萱. 基于BiLSTM-CRF的古汉语自动断句与词法分析一体化研究(CCL2019)
• 曹紫琰, 毛雪芬, 程宁, 宋阳, 李斌, 冯敏萱. 细颗粒度汽车评论语料库的构建和分析(CCL2019)
• 黄彤, 李斌, 闫培艺, 戴玉玲, 曲维光. 基于抽象语义表示的汉语构式的标注与分析(CCL2019)
• Li
Song, Yuan Wen, Sijia Ge, Bin Li and Weiguang Qu. An Easier and
Efficient Framework to Annotate Semantic Roles: Evidence from the
Chinese AMR Corpus(CLSW2019)
• Huidan
Xu, Siyu Chen, Jingjing Cai, Lin Cao, Chen Wan, and Bin Li. The
Construction and Statistical Analysis of Pre-Qin Ancient Chinese
WordNet. (CLSW2019)
• Ziyan
Cao, Minxuan Feng, Xuefen Mao, Yang Song and Bin Li. A Comparison
Research of Sentiment Words Based on Chinese Online Product Reviews of
Different Domains. (CLSW2019)
• Xingyue
Hao, Sijia Ge, Yang Zhang, Yuling Dai, Peiyi Yan, and Bin Li. The
Construction and Analysis of Annotated Imagery Corpus of Three Hundred
Tang Poems. (CLSW2019)
☆李斌. 语言探秘(专著). 南京师范大学出版社,2018.12. Bin Li. Explore the language. Nanjing Normal University Press. 2018.12.
• Wang
Chuan, Li Bin and Xue Nianwen. Transition-Based Chinese AMR Parsing.
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the
Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies,
Volume 2 (Short Papers).New Orleans, Louisiana. 2018:247-252.(PDF)
• Li
Song, Yuan Wen, Sijia Ge, Bin Li, Junsheng Zhou, Weiguang Qu and
Nianwen Xue. An Easier and Efficient Framework to Annotate Semantic
Roles: Evidence from the Chinese AMR Corpus.The 13th Workshop on Asian Language Resources. Miyazaki, Japan,May 07, 2018:29-35.(PDF)
☆ 李斌,刘雪扬. 基于《汉语大词典》的汉语词汇历时演变计量研究. 南京师大学报(社会科学版),2018年第5期. LI Bin, LIU Xue-yang. A Quantitative Analysis of Chinese Vocabulary Evolution Based on
The Great Chinese Dictionary. Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition). 2018(5). (PDF)
• 闻媛,宋丽,吴泰中,李斌,周俊生,曲维光. 基于中文AMR语料库的非投影结构研究. 中文信息学报,2018.11. Yuan
Wen, Li Song, Taizhong Wu, Bin Li, Junsheng Zhou, Weiguang Qu. Research
on Non-projective Structure Based on the Chinese Abstract Meaning
Representation Corpus. Journal of Chinese Information
Processing, 2018, 32(12).
• 宋丽,闻媛,葛四嘉,李斌,周俊生,曲维光. 基于AMR语料库的汉语谓词语义角色考察, 语料库语言学, 2018(1), 2018.11.30.
• 李
斌,宋丽,银思琪, 徐杰. 基于大数据的语言研究难题与解决方案——以词语认知属性库为例. 大数据时代的语言研究研讨会, 杭州, 2018.
• 王东波; 高瑞卿; 沈思; 李斌. 面向先秦典籍的历史事件基本实体构件自动识别研究, 国家图书馆学刊, 2018-02-15
• 侍冰清;戴茹冰;曲维光;顾彦慧;周俊生;李斌;徐戈;史胜旺. 基于组合神经网络的语义省略“的”字结构识别, 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2018-08-21.
☆ Bin
Lu Wang, Yuan Wen, Xiaohe Chen, Yanhui Gu. Discover social relations
and activities from ancient Chinese history book Zuo Zhuan.
International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, Socio-cultural
Computing (BESC). Krakow, Poland,16-18 Oct. 2017.(Link)
词语认知属性的知识库构建和应用(专著). 北京:世界图书出版公司·北京公司,2017年9月. Bin
Li. The Construction and Application of Word Cognitive Properties.
Beijing: World
Corporation, 2017. (Preface
Prof. Feng)
• 李
英汉《小王子》AMR语义图结构的对比分析, 中文信息学报,2017(1). Bin Li,
YuanWen, Lijun Bu, Weiguang Qu, Nianwen Xue. A Comparative Analysis of
the AMR
Graphs from English and Chinese corpus of the Little
Prince. In Journal of Chinese
Information Processing, China, 2017(1).(PDF)
☆ 李斌,闻媛,宋丽,卜丽君,曲维光,薛念文.
融合概念对齐信息的中文AMR语料库的构建,中文信息学报,2017(6). LI Bin, WEN Yuan, SONG Li, BU
Lijun, QU Weiguang, XUE Nianwen. Construction of Chinese Abstract
Meaning Representation Corpus with Concept-to-word Alignment. In Journal of Chinese
Information Processing, China, 2017(6) (CCL2017 best paper award. ).
☆ 李
陈静. 基于《日本语源大辞典》的汉源日词历时分析, 南京师范大学文学院学报, 2017年第3期(PDF,《人大复印资料·语言文字学》2018年3月全文转载). Li Bin, Chan Ching
Lisa. The Diachronic Analysis of Loanwords from Chinese in Japanese
based on Japan Etymology Dictionary. Journal of Chinese Language and
Literature School at Nanjing Normal University. No.3, 2017.
• 王
基于CRFs和词典信息的中古汉语自动分词[J]. 数据分析与知识发现.2017, Vol.1 (5): 62-70.(PDF)
• 杨
倩,李雅欣,乔梁,陈蕊,杨珂,李斌. 《史记》人文检索平台开发及文本分析.
☆ Bin
Li, YuanWen,
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• Bin Li,
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• Xiaopeng
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语言知识库“知网”的概念义原系统. 语言研究集刊(第八辑). 江苏凤凰教育出版社. 2015.(PDF)
• Bin
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• ☆ Xueyang Liu, Bin Li, Yingjie Zhang, Liu Liu.
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• ☆ Yingjie
Zhang, Bin Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Xueyang
Liu, Jiajun Chen. Mapping Word Senses
of Middle Ancient Chinese to WordNet. NLPOE, Warsaw, Poland, 2014.
• Cuijuan
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• Bin
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• Liu Liu,Bin
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Tian-tian Zhang,Bin Li,Liu
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• Liu Liu,Bin
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☆Bin Li, Jiajun Chen
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•Yingjie Zhang, Bin Li,
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•Guangchao Tang, Bin Li,
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•Haibo Kuang, Bin Li,
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•Ning Xi, Bin Li,
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